Mission #810. The mission is designed to help in passing Achievements and it consists of simple puzzles
J'aime 7Je n'aime pas 0
Statut: Vous ne faites pas partie de cette mission
Étape 1
? 02:10 01:40
Étape 2
? 01:40 01:00
Étape 3
? 01:30 01:00
Étape 4
? 00:30 00:16
Étape 5
? 00:25 00:15
Étape 6
? 01:40 01:00
Étape 7
? 00:40 00:20
Étape 8
? 01:50 01:20
Étape 9
? 04:00 03:20
Étape 10
? 01:50 01:20
Étape 11
? 01:40 00:57
Étape 12
? 02:30 01:57
2020-04-13 06:29
Too expensive minimum the entrance to the mission was done, and why?
J'aime 2 2
2020-04-14 03:01
But something still expensive, I'm worried that in the tournaments there depositing 500 coins. Still, the number of participants reduced
2020-04-14 06:42
When coins are not very many start to think to spend or keep, I would like the Creator of this mission , would make entrance 20 coins and I'd had enough, why 100?
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