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Happy birthday Polyominoes

2019-11-24 16:48 olenenok Étapes16 T53 B16 S23 G39  

Mission #547. This mission prepared for the eighth birthday of the site (30 November) and includes Polyominoes - puzzles with pictures of the cake. Cake from childhood causes the most pleasant associations, and is practically synonymous with the word \"holiday\". An indispensable attribute of a feast of friendship, the king of the dessert, the long-awaited sweet surprise.. Type of puzzle and the size is different.

J'aime + 12 Je n'aime pas - 1

Statut: Vous ne faites pas partie de cette mission
olenenok 51 Solver Rank
! #371682   2019-11-25 19:27
For fans of the Belarusian puzzle ripe another holiday mission

J'aime + 5     6
NATAKAPA 56 Solver Rank  2019-11-25 19:38 + 1
nettaly 52  2019-11-25 20:57 + 4
@olenenok shows such records in the preparation of missions that all there best workers and perevypolnenie five nervously Smoking in aside vertuha
Afficher tous les commentaires
mikl 53 Solver Rank
2019-11-28 01:22
As always, wonderful! Many thanks to the author!!

J'aime + 2     1
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2019-11-28 14:55 + 2
Please goodtort
LauraMenshikova 54 Solver Rank
2019-11-28 04:18
Well, it turned out very tasty mission! I'm afraid that so far collected, has considerably gained weight)))) Thank you! rose

J'aime + 4     1
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2019-11-28 14:54 + 2
Please good Soon hang. good
olenenok 51 Solver Rank
2019-11-28 22:51
Bonus , another cake tort , they are freshly baked

J'aime + 3     1
nettaly 52  2019-11-28 22:54 + 2
_gst6907763 Online 46 Solver Rank
2019-12-08 20:29
Great mission solnce On-time quite comfortably, in only one stage did not meet the gold - tangled in glitter.
a Lot of chocolate cakes. torttorttortparty Now I think, "Prague" for the New year to buy what?ignat

J'aime + 3     2
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2019-12-08 20:31 + 3
After the cakes can just go to pick up some snow good
_gst6907763 46 Solver Rank  2019-12-08 20:50 + 2
Goinggood, but first puzzles in the December snow finish.
3591 40 Solver Rank
2020-08-22 18:45

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