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Casse-tête en ligne «Velvet rose»

2020-09-08 00:00:00

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Velvet rose

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  Zones monochromes: 3%


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vk218903606 48
2020-09-09 11:45
SDFGHJ, we, everything here, sort of understand the color! ) I give the blessing!

J'aime + 5     1
SDFGHJ 50 Solver Rank  2020-09-09 12:07 + 2
vk218903606, what Beauty they found! On the one hand there is a thicket, on the other - a cultivated park area with Flowers and trimmed bushes, and in the middle there is a Fountain Wonderful and Unusual !!!
Thank you !!!
vk218903606 48
2020-09-10 08:50
SDFGHJ, this is Canada, the gardens near Victoria are called Butchart Gardens. Glad you liked it! : poklon2:

J'aime + 2     1
SDFGHJ 50 Solver Rank  2020-09-10 10:28 + 1
vk218903606, such Beauty cannot but please
azazel1252 20
2022-02-22 18:24

J'aime + 0     0
mumof 42 Solver Rank
2023-02-06 21:53

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