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Casse-tête en ligne «Great trip»

2020-06-21 00:00:00

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Great trip

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Steve Crisp. #SteveCrisp   Zones monochromes: 1%


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Nouveaux puzzles

nettaly 52
2020-06-21 12:04
If you click tag-name, you will see this artist's work presented on the website, for example:

J'aime + 5     2
ovawiss 44  2020-06-21 13:07 + 8
And of course, this route 66 is the famous American highway. Here are a few facts about it:
- Route 66 connects Chicago (Il) the city of Santa Monica (CA).
- Route 66, also called the Mother Road ("Mother of roads") or Main Street of America ("Main road of America").
- Initially, the length of Route 66 was 3.940 kilometers (2448 miles) and passes through 8 States (Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, new Mexico, Arizona and California).
- route 66 was decommissioned in 1985 and today there are only small sections of the route, which attract the attention of tourists from all over the world.
Vovka. 48 Solver Rank  2020-06-21 13:27 + 7
Route 66 in music:
while traveling on Route 66, Tommy Dorsey (known in the first half of the twentieth century jazz musician), in his heart a song was born, and instantly became a hit, and its refrain and the title of "Get your kicks on Route 66" - a kind of symbol highway.
Galina511 21
2020-06-21 21:11

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