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2018-12-03 20:38 nettaly Étapes6 T104 B7 S14 G20   Puzzles divers

Mission #68. Belarusian puzzles based on the works of the Impressionists in ascending order of difficulty; the collection - Leonid Afremov, Oscar Claude Monet and Hangmoon. The first two warm - up round for seconds, third and fourth will take five minutes, but on the fifth and sixth you will need much more time! I hope you have an hour or two ;)

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LauraMenshikova Solver Rank
2019-12-02 00:37
Difficult, but well... Thanks for the compilation! rose

J'aime + 2     0
GrandGames Admin
2024-02-02 10:35
Images from Leonid Afremov's website are used:

J'aime + 4     0
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