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I do not understand these coloring pages.

AliciaLial Online 52 Solver Rank
! #406454   2020-03-15 16:30
I do not understand these coloring pages.. bozhe

J'aime + 4     10
asvoron_gg 46  2020-03-15 16:38 + 4
And I have with coloring books full of seams. Fill doesn't work. Tell me what could be the reason
AliciaLial 52 Solver Rank  2020-03-15 16:51 + 3
Just in my understanding it is just not what side not a puzzle. Paint as you want painter, at least one color posalvy furious
LenaNSolon 45  2020-03-15 16:55 + 4
I have not worked pouring when the scale is not 100%, more or less
GingerMartian 51 Solver Rank  2020-03-15 17:06 + 2
Similarly, when I zoom in, the fill is also always refuses
GingerMartian 51 Solver Rank  2020-03-15 17:17 + 7
"at least one color posalvy "

by the Way, will not work - the system won't accept ;) Should be at least 2
Memo 45  2020-03-15 17:49 + 3
really cool baa
AliciaLial 52 Solver Rank  2020-03-15 18:31 + 3
GingerMartian, that's exactly what coloring created to address is not on time good
Support 44  2020-03-15 18:33 + 6
Add a Filter on coloring pages for new contests
Lysva 44  2020-03-15 20:04 + 6
"Кстати, не получится - система не примет ;) Надо хотя бы 2"
Вот так?
acute А я думаю, как можно раскрасить за 25-30 секунд ignat

А я как увлекся и не сообразил, что это турнир и на время. Это ведь облако, значит небо должно быть голубое. А само облако - серое. Но серый некрасивый, сделал желтым. И носки должны быть разноцветными. И ротовая полость красная. И зубы белые, хотя получились серыми.
LenaNSolon 45  2020-03-16 08:21 + 3
Two-tone my creation, Yes painter I Usually try to paint beautiful, without shadows or glare, really, but - the teeth are white and everything. But then the tournament here on time, so so. baa
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