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Fil d'actualités - Des tentes et des arbres

Mgla Solver Rank
! /tents/id156423   ! #627913   2024-12-28 18:08

Скажем спасибо дейликам за то, что мотивируют учиться решать новое. Вот задачи 5 на 5 и вся такая мелочь вообще не идёт, реально результата даже не видно, а как чуть подумать надо - сразу вырываю преимущество. Первый топ 1 в палатках за всё время) Результат не ах, разумеется, но всё же. Это я мусолю их с 3х ночи, так к слову. Но то ли ещё будет, если мне понравился раздел я его уже никому не отдам.

J'aime + 0     0
ThatIsWay Solver Rank
! /tents/id379330   ! #614197   2024-07-01 15:59

Неоднозначность решения


J'aime + 2     2
Meduzia Solver Rank  2024-07-01 11:45 + 7

Все однозначно. Если верхнему дереву поставить палатку в левую клетку, нарушится условие раздельности палаток.

Goroshek Solver Rank  2024-07-01 15:59 + 6

Перегрев,срочно в палатку)

NATAKAPA Online Solver Rank
! /tents/id305485   ! #527820   2021-11-20 15:43
Турнирная! Пожалуйста, когда тур закончится, в личку скиньте скрин решения. big-rose Не могу понять, где ошибка....

J'aime + 3     4
anikina  2021-11-20 12:33 + 4
А когда тур закончится? Очень интересно посмотреть.
NATAKAPA Solver Rank  2021-11-20 14:15 + 2
@anikina, спасибо! 20.11.21 в 14.21
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! /tents/id188718   ! #440301   2020-07-26 18:13
Tell me please, Satovcha dear how to solve this golovolomka logical? All my attempts failed. There were pieces of logic and pieces of method "scientific", but in the end is a joke.... The most difficult Sudoku, Kakuro is still some logic, give in, and this is....?!

J'aime + 1     5
ovawiss  2020-07-25 09:14 + 3
You wouldn't believe. Just proreal this puzzle carefully, slowly, and found that it does not require any, even the slightest conjecture. Every move was strictly and only logically motivated, but that's logical methods in the beginning deal was pretty tricky to apply.
ovawiss  2020-07-25 09:53 + 4
I'll try to get a review of that level if you can clearly Express your...
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! /forum/tents/1   ! #432705   2020-06-18 17:14
Like all conditions are met, and says that the decision is not yet finished. What is wrong here?

J'aime + 1     5
Ioanna  2020-06-15 13:09 + 1
baa bozhe
B8831388  2020-06-15 22:07 + 1
I also had such situation. And the Sapper, too. Apparently, the solution to the puzzle is not unique.
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! /tents/id169274   ! #429326   2020-06-01 17:36
What nonsense: the puzzle is solved the numbers in the fields are green, and when check displays the message that the decision is not finished. I do something wrong?

J'aime + 1     6
NATAKAPA Solver Rank  2020-06-01 16:49 + 0
GingerMartian Solver Rank  2020-06-01 16:54 + 1
Maybe bug( Just did again - when checking everything is fine. @asvoron_gg, if you want, throw me a screenshot of the solution if it coincides with mine - I'm sure teh problem
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! /tents/id153413   ! #401130   2020-05-17 16:26
A lot of selection, not very interesting to solve this.

J'aime + 3     1
qqq Solver Rank  2020-05-17 16:26 + 1
I do not agree. I solved so:
I noticed that in the top 4 lines of 10 tents and 9 trees. The only tree that could "reach" and "put" the tent, the second from the top in the right column.
And then half of the forest razvalivaetsya. I had the 1 pick and he immediately hit the bull's eye.
! /forum/tents/1   ! #400693   2020-02-28 14:36
Thank you very much for adding tents and sapper always solve them with pleasure. The tents have one don't even comment, and consideration. When placing the tent, the software automatically ties it to a tree, and when one correspondence is away, the tent is, apparently, tied at random. In the further arrangement of the tents, the binding is changed to the right. It's a little confusing in the initial stage of the decision - it is necessary constantly to keep in mind that the reference to tree is not necessarily correct.

J'aime + 6     1
Lena2020  2020-02-28 14:36 + 2
Thank you very muchporukamvverhflows
! /forum/tents/1   ! #400477   2020-02-27 22:48
Added a new section of puzzles "Camp"
#of novolisina

J'aime + 8     3
t98743235 Solver Rank  2020-02-27 22:01 + 1
Cool! )))
olenenok Solver Rank  2020-02-27 22:01 + 2
I got vertuha we will build tents puzzle
AliciaLial Solver Rank  2020-02-27 22:48 + 2
I've decided, but there were tables and chairs puzzle
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