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Inscrit: 2016-03-16 15:53
Dernière connexion: 2022-10-25 14:12   37 77.5%  
Irina2016 37
! /nonograms/picross/vernij_drug   2021-08-30 20:10
серьёзный пёсик!

J'aime + 2     1
anikina 54  2021-08-30 20:10 + 2
Спасибо! Приятно! rose
Irina2016 37
Серьёзная птичкаfly

J'aime + 3     1
anikina 54  2021-08-28 13:52 + 2
Очень!!! Рада, Irina2016, что Вы это оценили! smeh
Irina2016 37
! /mahjong/cvety/id72270   2019-11-19 02:00
yahooyahoohaha has finished for the day

J'aime + 2     1
anikina 54  2019-11-19 02:00 + 1
Congratulations!!! cvety
Irina2016 37
It is very difficult to distinguish on the monitor, two tone black. You have to constantly calculate the shaded cells. Stressfuldance

J'aime + 1     1
anikina 54  2019-10-09 16:37 + 0
It is difficult for the other to draw a brunette
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