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Вячеслав @slavach

Россия, Inscrit: 2013-03-22 16:43
Dernière connexion: 2023-06-15 16:02   Rank: 71 43.8%  

Classement en tournois ELO

- 2075
- 2069
- 2030
- 1930
- 1881
- 1831
- 1612
! /forum/mines/1   2022-10-14 16:53
Новых саперов больше не будет?

J'aime + 2     4
olenenok Solver Rank  2021-08-06 19:45 + 3
вы можете сами создавать их
olenenok Solver Rank  2021-08-06 20:26 + 5
Да я там для пробы создала какуро и его уже решают puzzle
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! /forum/kakuro/2   2021-08-06 22:32
Какуро кончились?

J'aime + 2     8
easy Solver Rank  2021-08-06 18:23 + 1
Я думаю админ в отпуске)
Anonyme  2021-08-06 18:37 + 1
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! /tournaments/4014   2020-04-23 21:37
Finally, h/b came

J'aime + 2     1
Tverianka Solver Rank  2020-04-23 21:37 + 4
@slavach b-b to draw more complicatedmanik
! /tournaments/1911   2019-11-30 09:23
What kind of numbers volshebnye appeared in the column fora?
And why don't I have?badbad

J'aime + 2     4
mostanina  2019-11-30 09:11 + 3
The player with the highest rating, as late for pre-registration, a handicap is not calculated.
NATAKAPA Solver Rank  2019-11-30 09:12 + 3
You are the best in this kind of puzzles, so we + handicap, and You 0.
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