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#champ2023 -

Ici, vous pouvez publier toute information qui vous semble intéressante, ainsi que suivre les publications des autres joueurs dans toutes les sections du site.
GrandGames Admin
! /feed   ! #602475   2023-12-09 19:05
Final of Championship 2023. @eLLioTT vs @Meduzia. Friday 08/12 at 6:30PM (UTC+3).

Stream by @eLLioTT:

#champ2023 #sitenews

J'aime + 13     12
eLLioTT Solver Rank  2023-12-07 10:37 + 8

Here are the selected puzzles for the final.

@Meduzia :

1. Multi-Puzzles 10-20
2. Tents 5-10
3. Link-a-Pix 2-5
4. Disconnect four 2-5
5. Mahjong pyramid 2-5
6. Sudoku 5-10

@eLLioTT :

1. Sudoku Killer 10-20
2. Picross 10-20
3. Belarus Puzzles 10-20
4. Wall of China 2-5
5. Three Tiles 2-5
6. Separate three 2-5

eLLioTT Solver Rank  2023-12-08 19:33 + 9
Meduzia is still the reigning champion vinnervinner

6-4 (with the new formula, it was a little tighter than last year)
Congratulations ! ryumka-pravaya
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corsica Online Solver Rank
! /feed   ! #601461   2023-11-21 18:27
1/2 финала чемпионата 2023 @Meduzia - @corsica

Договорились 21.11.2023 в 16:00 UTC+3

Список @Meduzia :

1. Мульти-пазл 10-20
2. Лагерь 5-10
3. Японские кроссворды 5-10
4. Сокобан 2-5
5. Маджонг-пирамида 2-5
6. Судоку 5-10

Список @corsica :

1. Пасьянс Паук 2 масти 5-10
2. Пазлы-перевертыши 5-10
3. Игра память 5-10
4. Белорусские кроссворды 2-5
5. Стены 2-5
6. Шарики в колбах 2-5


J'aime + 10     2
Meduzia Solver Rank  2023-11-21 17:19 + 7
Результат: @Meduzia (5) - @corsica (3)
Blbbzk Solver Rank  2023-11-21 18:27 + 4
corsica amor
GrandGames Admin
! /feed   ! #601252   2023-11-18 10:00
Live Stream @eLLioTT vs @iris8 as 23:00 UTC+3 (Semi-Final)


J'aime + 9     9
GummyBears Solver Rank  2023-11-17 22:52 + 2
@eLLioTT, друг лихой! Желаю удачи!
GrandGames Admin  2023-11-18 00:11 + 7
@eLLioTT, congrats. @iris8, thanks for participating in the broadcast
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GrandGames Admin
! /feed   ! #600885   2023-11-16 17:43
The final and semi-finals are played according to the same rules

@elliott - @iris8
@corsica - @meduzia

J'aime + 8     4
eLLioTT Solver Rank  2023-11-11 18:57 + 2
I wan't to be sure about the progress of a match.

Tell me if I got it correctly.
When the two players have chosen 6 games each, do we play in the following order ?
- 1st choice of player 1
- 1sr choice of player 2
- 2nd choice of player 1
- 2nd choice of player 2
- And so on...
mvt222 Solver Rank  2023-11-11 20:10 + 2
I think that's it. But let @GrandGames answer.
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eLLioTT Solver Rank
! /feed   ! #601062   2023-11-14 01:44
1/2 финала чемпионата 2023 @iris8 - @eLLioTT

Договорились 17.11.2023 в 23:00 UTC+3

Список @iris8 :

1. Маджонг 5-10
2. Китайские кроссворды 10-20
3. Шарики в колбах 2-5
4. Нурикабе-пары 2-5
5. Судоку-центр 2-5
6. Пасьянс Косынка 2-5

Список @eLLioTT :

1. Японские кроссворды 10-20
2. Судоку-киллер 5-10
3. Полимино-пазлы 5-10
4. Какуро 2-5
5. Маджонг 3-в-ряд 2-5
6. Полимино 2-5


J'aime + 9     1
iris8 Solver Rank  2023-11-14 01:44 + 8
GrandGames Admin
! /feed   ! #600033   2023-11-11 01:42
The qualifying stage of the 2023 GrandGames Championship tournament has ended. 8 players who scored the most points , which could be obtained in Epic tournaments throughout the year, advanced to the play-offs:


Total points:


Players starting position


All matches except the final will be played as follows. Players play until 5 wins with a minimum margin of two points.
Each opponent chooses any 6 types of puzzles from 7 categories:

And also any duration 2-5, 5-10 or 10-20. In one category, one player cannot choose more than 1 type of puzzle.
The couple independently agrees with each other on any time for the match and informs about the selected time, list, order and duration of the puzzles created by a post with the hashtag #champ2023 After the duel, the final score is written in the comments. You can start today at least.

Players arrange duels one by one. The first impression represents a more general tournament ranking. If no common puzzle is available during the duel, the game will take place in the next round. If the rounds are over and none of the players have won, choose a random puzzle for 2-5 minutes and play until we achieve an advantage of two points.

We will inform you separately about how the final will go. If this post gets 30 likes, we will try to organize an online broadcast like last year. If desired, tournament participants can organize a broadcast of their game on any available platform, such as Twitch, YouTube, etc.

#champ2023 #sitenews

J'aime + 22     12
NATAKAPA Solver Rank  2023-10-28 10:18 + 7
GrandGames Admin  2023-10-28 12:25 + 4

Let me explain. For example, P1 and P2 agree.
P1 writes (new post).

Agreed 30.10 at 11:00 UTC+3

1.Mahjong 5-10
2. Chinese crosswords 10-20
3. Spider Solitaire 4 suits 10-20
4. Belpuzzles with numbers 2-5
.... etc.

P2 accordingly answers:

I confirm. My puzzles:
1. Sudoku killer 5-10
2. Mahjong 2-5
3. Solitaire simplified Scorpio 5-10
4. Polyomino tetromino 5-10

and so on.

When creating duels, do not forget to remove the filter by ELO rating
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corsica Online Solver Rank
! /feed   ! #600764   2023-11-10 18:38
1/4 финала чемпионата 2023 @S.I.A - @corsica

Договорились 10.11.2023 в 18:00 UTC+3

Список @S.I.A :

1. Филиппинские пазлы 5-10
2. Маджонг 3-в-ряд 2–5
3. Китайские кроссворды 5-10
4. Разъедини четыре 2–5
5. Судоку-диагональ 2–5
6. Морской бой 2–5

Список @corsica :

1. Игра память 5-10
2. Пасьянс Паук 1 масть 2-5
3. Перевертыши 2-5
4. Пазлы-перевертыши с числам 5-10
5. Шарики в колбах 2-5
6. Судоку 2-5


J'aime + 10     1
corsica Solver Rank  2023-11-10 18:38 + 7
Результат: @corsica (5) - @S.I.A (3)
eLLioTT Solver Rank
! /tournaments/19990   ! #600693   2023-11-09 19:05
@Game, I don't know if you have received my message about the 2023 Championship ( #Champ2023 ).
If you want me to translate it in russian with Google Trad, I can do it.
I hope you will read this one and we can set our quarter final.

@Game, я не знаю, получили ли вы мое сообщение о Чемпионате 2023 года ( #Champ2023 ).
Если вы хотите, чтобы я перевел это на русский язык с помощью Google Trad, я могу это сделать.
Надеюсь, вы прочтете это, и мы сможем организовать четвертьфинал.

J'aime + 11     1
Game Solver Rank  2023-11-09 19:05 + 9
I confirm that I'll not participate. I suggest eLLioTT go to the next stage. I wish him good luck!

Добрый вечер! Не буду участвовать, с большим удовольствием предлагаю eLLioTT пройти в следующий этап.
Сообщила ему об этом в ЛС. Прошу моё решение не комментировать)

И несомненно желаю ему удачи!
mvt222 Online Solver Rank
! /feed   ! #600621   2023-11-09 09:54
1/4 финала чемпионата 2023 @Meduzia - @mvt222

Договорились 08.11.2023 в 21:00 UTC+3

Список @Meduzia :

1. Полимино-пазлы 2 – 5
2. Три плитки 2 – 5
3. Японские кроссворды 2 – 5
4. Разъедини четыре 2 – 5
5. Лагерь 5 – 10
6. Судоку 2 – 5

Список @mvt222 :

1. Пятнашки с числами 2-5
2. Паук 4 масти 10 - 20
3. Судоку-киллер 10 - 20
4. Перевертыши 2 - 5
5. Нурикабе-пары 2 - 5
6. Маджонг 3-в-ряд 2 - 5


J'aime + 10     3
Meduzia Solver Rank  2023-11-08 22:07 + 7
Результат: @Meduzia (5) - @mvt222 (1)
GingerMartian Solver Rank  2023-11-09 01:37 + 4
@Meduzia, поздравляю! vverh Удачи в следующем туре)
Meduzia Solver Rank  2023-11-09 09:54 + 5
GrandGames Admin
! /feed   ! #598456   2023-10-20 12:15
There are 8 tournaments left in which you can get "Champ 2023 Point" (4 epic and 4 epic numeric)
Every point has meaning.
If the number of leaders, taking into account participants with the same number of points, is more than 8, we will add additional stages of duels.
Even those with only one point have a theoretical opportunity to get into the Play-Off stage.
So far, only @Meduzia and @iris8 are guaranteed to be in the starting 8.

Current situation:


J'aime + 11     4
Anonyme  2023-10-20 11:58 + 0
It's interesting to know situation for today, @GrandGames. If possible, with number of attemts.
Anonyme  2023-10-20 12:09 + 0
Maybe, all Play-Off participants are already known)
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AliciaLial Solver Rank
! /tournaments/18591   ! #597279   2023-09-08 21:15
Ура! Моя первая выигранная чемпионская наклеечка trophy Девятый месяц пытаюсь ее добыть, хотя б одну armchair Можно сказать, план выполнила)

J'aime + 9     4
mvt222 Solver Rank  2023-09-08 16:22 + 6
Поздравляю! Надо еще парочку добавить! klass
GingerMartian Solver Rank  2023-09-08 20:23 + 4
Поздравляю :)
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eLLioTT Solver Rank
! /tournaments/17973   ! #595280   2023-08-04 00:57
I don't know if it's done elsewhere, so I post here the I am reviewing the qualifying tickets for the end of July here.

Name : Tickets / Trials

@Meduzia : 6/24
@iris8 : 5/14
@milutin03 : 4/8
@S.I.A : 3/17
@eLLioTT : 3/15
@Game : 3/15
@corsica : 3/12
@mvt222 : 2/7
@Percy : 2/4
@today : 2/4
@MyNameIs : 2/3
@Nata2803 : 1/2
@Oxania : 1/2
@Titaniya : 1/1

@AliciaLial : 0/6
@nadejdashaldina : 0/4
@t98743235 : 0/4
@elenina12 : 0/3
@Mgla : 0/2
@270270 : 0/1
@Morsmordre : 0/1
@Myxa : 0/1
@Suhad : 0/1

J'aime + 8     2
GrandGames Admin  2023-08-04 00:35 + 4
Thanks, @eLLioTT. The number of tickets you entered is correct.

#champ2023 (Use this tag to quickly find posts related to the championship)
Anonyme  2023-08-04 00:57 + 4
Сразу видно, кто насколько везучий)
GrandGames Admin
In the next 2023, the selection of players who will be able to fight for the title of the site champion, will be carried out according to a new principle.
This chance will be given to 8 players who have collected the maximum amount of these points. You can get them from next year in the weekly Epic Battle tournaments. It will be randomly drawn by one of the 4 participants who have reached the semi-finals. The more often you participate in Epic Battle, the more chances you have to qualify. The final tournament will be held in November-December according to the Olympic system in the duel section. In addition to the title of champion, the winner will receive 500 bonus coins, the finalist - 300


J'aime + 13     5
AliciaLial Solver Rank  2022-12-05 01:55 + 6
Прикольно crazy и нереально для меня - с турнирами Epic Battle как раз редко удачно складывается. Зато есть интрига! vertuha
NATAKAPA Solver Rank  2022-12-05 04:42 + 8
"со следующего года"
а я уже побежала ugar
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eLLioTT Solver Rank
! /tournaments/15645   ! #584379   2023-03-11 12:56
Hey @Meduzia, after 8 attempts, you finally got your first ticket :) : trophyvverh


J'aime + 4     3
eLLioTT Solver Rank  2023-03-11 11:02 + 7

@S.I.A : 2/5
@iris8 : 2/5
@milutin03 : 2/4
@Meduzia : 1/8
@eLLioTT : 1/5
@Game : 1/5
@corsica : 1/3
@mvt222 : 1/3
@Oxania : 1/2
@Percy : 1/1
@AliciaLial : 0/2
@nadejdashaldina : 0/2
@elenina12 : 0/2
@270270 : 0/1
@MyNameIs : 0/1
@Nata2803 : 0/1
@Suhad : 0/1
Meduzia Solver Rank  2023-03-11 11:14 + 6
Yes, finally) I was getting worried, that luck isn't on my side in this quest)
iris8 Solver Rank  2023-03-11 12:56 + 7
Надо же, я переживала что у меня всего 2 кубка. ehspander А оказывается с начала ввода новой системы прошло-то всего 13 турниров!

@eLLioTT, спасибо за собранную статистику! porukam daisy
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