@Meduzia - @S.I.A
Суббота, 14 декабря, 19:00.
Список головоломок (5-10 мин):
Паук 2 масти
Японская мозаика
Мульти-пазлы (10-20 мин)
Белорусские кроссворды
@S.I.A - @Percy
Понедельник, 2 декабря, 19-00.
Список головоломок (5-10 мин):
Saturday 16, 12:00, @meduzia vs. @elliott
Duration : 5-10 min for each round.
List of games :
1 - Tents
2 - China Pics
3 - Hitori
4 - Picross
5 - Bridges
6 - Sudoku Killer
7 - Clouds
8 - Belarus Puzzle
9 - Winrose
@AliciaLial - @S.I.A
Играем 13 ноября 19:00
угадай фрагмент
три плитки
классический судоку
китайские кроссворды
Tournament for the title of champion 2024.
The competition of participants will take place in the duels section. This table is used only for registration of participants and random formation of pairs. The puzzle opened in each round does not matter, the result will be added to the table manually.
The game is played as follows. Each pair plays up to 9 games in the duels section. The winner is the player who wins 5 games first.
Each pair independently chooses the puzzles they want to play and their duration at their discretion. If a compromise option cannot be found, then everyone chooses 4 types of puzzles and their time (5-10, 10-20 or 20-45). 9 puzzle - mahjong for 10-20 minutes.
Players themselves choose any convenient time for the match, but no later than a day before the end of the round. When the players have decided on the time of the tournament, write a list of puzzles and the time when you will play with the hashtag #champ2024 on the tournament page. After the match, indicate in the comments who won and with what score. The winner of the tournament will receive the title of site champion and a monthly VIP account. Good luck!